For when the

unexpected happens…

A Crisis Company

…because things happen when you least expect it!

Welcome to D.B. Collins Associates, a leading crisis management and brand restoration company that specializes in providing top-notch services to celebrities, athletes, and corporations. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to helping our clients navigate through difficult situations and emerge stronger than ever before.

Your livelihood is too important to ignore any negative situation no matter how big or small. Time sensitive decisions are put into motion the very minute you contact D.B. Collins, and we will act on your behalf.

Our Services

At D.B. Collins Associates, we understand the unique challenges that our clients face in today's fast-paced and ever-changing world. That's why we offer a comprehensive range of services that are tailored to meet the specific needs of each client. Some of our services include:

Brand Restoration:

Our team will work with you to develop a comprehensive strategy to restore and enhance your brand's image, ensuring that you can continue to thrive in the competitive marketplace.

Social Media Management:

Our team will help you manage your social media presence, ensuring that your brand is represented in the most positive light possible.

Crisis Management:

We provide expert guidance and support during times of crisis to help our clients manage the situation effectively and minimize any negative impact on their reputation.

Media Relations:

We have extensive experience working with the media and can help you navigate the complex world of public relations, ensuring that your message is clear and consistent across all channels.

…our clients are high net worth and highly visible individuals.

our track record and credibility stand alone in the industry.

Our Clients

Professional Athletes

Amateur Athletes


Social Influencers




What we provide:

With more than thirty years experience combined, we are dedicated to leveraging our people and their skills to rebuild what has been compromised

PR & Media Consultation

Influential Contacts

Ex-Federal and State

Law Enforement

Legal Representation

Family Legal Counsel

Medical, Injury Counsel

Criminal, Civil Counsel


Daniel B. Collins

Managing Partner

Alex Phayme

Partner / Client Services

Media Relations

Retainers and Fees

All consulations are free

A retainer affords our clients with both the knowledge and comfort of having 24/7 on-call access in the event of a crisis no matter the day or time!

Retainer will be presented at time of consultation

Prospective clients have the ability to reduce the monthly retainer by $100 with each referred client who signs with D.B.Collins

Fees are billed monthly based on the aggregate Crisis and Risk Mitigation plan developed and agreed upon between D.B. Collins and you “the client.” Fee structure shall include any and all pass through costs incurred by legal counsel or at such time as a settlement (positive or negative) shall occur.

You have insurance for your home, car and life...why not insure your reputation too!

What you are entitled to as a client:

  • 24/7 on-call access
  • Brand preservation
  • Influential network
  • Social Media monitoring
  • Media Relations
  • Investigations (Ex-Federal / Law Enforcement)
  • Legal consultation / representation

For a free consultation or outreach message us at

Main Phone:



D.B. Collins Associates

387 2nd Ave

New York, NY 10010

(c) A Rothschild Company all rights reserved